Saturday, January 19, 2013


And after such a happy last post about how amazing my speed workout was on Thursday it appears that maybe I pushed it a little too hard... I have what now feels like a tweaked hamstring. I'm going to use the term "tweak" because I have no idea what's wrong with it. Just that it really hurts and I'm not running for a few days.

I told my boyfriend that I felt like since I spent the last 12 months training for an ultramarathon, and I'm REALLY good at distance (hello 37 miles!) the muscles I need for running at any speed above a super slow, short-strided "stroll" are completely atrophied. So, while I work my way back into fast running it almost feels like learning to run all over again, in the way that muscles are hurting that have never hurt after runs before (at least since the beginning of my running career).

So, I'm hoping that once all the muscles in my legs take turns at being tweaked, then they will all be strong and "okay with fast running" again and I'll be fine. So fine hamstring, your turn, go ahead and hurt and I'll be back on the roads in a few days. **sigh**


  1. Feel better soon. Roll that sucker out, have the bf massage it. You will be back in no time. Speed is dangerous!

  2. Rest up! Heating pad may help, too.

  3. Roll it out, maybe try heat. You'll be fine. Feel better soon!

  4. ouch! hope it feels better soon.

  5. Do you have a foam roller or The Stick? Try rolling it out. Hope your hammie is feeling better soon!
